Before defining whatan online community is, let’s first understand the meaning of community itself. While definitions may vary but the essential components of the community remain the same. These components are: people, connection and sense of belongingness. Further, community can be defined as a group of individuals who feel that they belong together and have a sense of care towards each other. This sentiment can be true for online communities too, but instead of meeting in person, members gather and communicate online, irrespective of the physical location.
An online community refers to a place on the internet where people can connect via shared experiences, aspirations, and objectives. Depending on the goals of the community, each online group has its own distinct set of norms, regulations, and guidelines. The goals of a community might be anything from keeping one another accountable to resolving real-world problems.
Now if we look at the goals of Uttejana Foundation as an online community, it not only includes inviting people to join or fund us, but it also includes making them aware of the work that we are doing as a community. It also involves providing them with the information that it’s not always necessary to be on the field to contribute, but that they can also play a major role by being a part of the online community by joining the online meets that take place or by helping in onlinefundraising work.

Now that we have some clarity about what an online community is and how Uttejana as an online community contributes to the society, do let us know in the comments section that what all online community are you people a part of and how does you being on a part of that community brings a change in the society.
Let’s examine the distinctions between community platforms and social platforms now. It’s simple for those who are unfamiliar with the realm of online communities to mistake a “online community” for an online social network. Intent maybe the key distinction between an online community and a social network. Even though some people spend their leisure time on social media lazily perusing material and mindlessly liking other people’s posts, the majority of exchanges are likely one sided and lack genuine involvement. But those who participate in online communities do so voluntarily because they know it will provide them with a sense of community, purpose, and ultimately worth.
Online communities are used by brands to engage with its members around common interests, like sports, while social media is used by them to broadcast information to their followers or audience. Both parties benefit from the contact when there is two-way communication. While your customers may follow, like and comment on your brand on social media, you will need an online community to genuinely engage and connect with them.
Online community breeds many benefits. Some of it are as listed below:
- In the contemporary world, an online community structure enables people to make difficult decisions, evaluate the best platform and tool, and/or simply evaluate how to combine A with B. It makes it simple to connect with like-minded others and share knowledge in a limitless universe.
- The presence of an online community eliminates the need to spend hours searching Google for information. Or even better, you may ask a person who is a part of that community directly for the response. In addition to bringing people together, an online community gives members a simple and quick way to get about and solve problems.
- An online ecosystem offers a platform for information sharing, providing each participant a chance to be heard. The organization will develop and thrive because of member participation and encouraging community participation will help the organization build its reputation and authenticity.
- Community members are more likely to stay put when they feel understood, valued and that they belong to a group that gets them. Particularly in a world driven by technology, organizations are starting to recognize the importance of their community to their level of success.
It is considered that a member or customer is more likely to value your community, product, or service if they spend more time with it. Communities serve as a pillar of support and add value to members lives in addition to selling goods to them.